
Last days of group&picks gift!

Hey hey folks :)
I am sorry I am being absent all the time... but RL calls and I can't pretend I can't hear!

So, well, while I let you wait for some new releases that should come some time in July (probably around the middle of the month... I already know I will be busy for the first entire week) I wanted to remind you about the gift I placed in my store some weeks ago.
It is free for subscribers and for group members who added my store to their profile. Beware that for the 2 'categories' of people there are 2 different vendors, both located at the centre of my store. Just read the text on the vendor itself to se if it's the one for group or the one for subscribers :) -the gift is exactly the same for the 2 anyways.
I will leave these vendors rezzed in my store for another few days. On Monday, I will get them offline, until I have a new gift ready. If you haven't taken them yet, make sure you do! :D

Also, don't forget about Midsummer Amusements finally at my main store (woot!) and about FDC photocontest, still running for another week!



Midsummer Amusements in store!

Hello folks!
Just a quick post to let you all know that my Fashion Designers' Challenge outfits have been moved to my main store! Now you can find them there, with my entire collection. I will be talking to Mouse to check if she can have a vendor of her jewelry there, as well!

THEEEEN, do NOT forget about FDC Photo contest! It's still running, and as I already said: the prize is a huge bag full of FDC creations! Don't miss the chance to win!
For more info, read FDC blog ;)
And if you want to browse through all Fashion Designers' Challenge items and choose the best for your photos, you can buy this photobook for 0L$.

Have fun!


Mech Angel by Danielle Harrop

My, my!
Isn't this outfit interesting and definitely out of ordinary?
"Mech Angel" is the outfit Danielle Harrop has created for Fashion Designers' Challenge!
She was challenged by Shir Dryke to make an outfit inspired by a Mecha Angel.
I guess I might share what Danielle told me: she had to google those words to actually grasp what Shir might have meant with the string "Mecha Angel"... and if I have to be completely honest, I would have googled it too!
From the net, you can find loads of images of mecha angels being cyber-like creatures with wings... kind of futuristic angel figures (although... ehm... I doubt they are supposed to be 'nice people' :)).

And well, I think that despite her initial doubts, Danielle came out with a very cool tiny outfit that really matches the requirements!

The cloths are all made up of micro chips and computer-like components, giving a very robotic look.
For the wings, Danielle chose a sheer squared pattern, that is also on the little skirt. The overall result is something between a cyber warrior and a sweet fairy... which afterall makes sense. It had to be an angel, and I do expect something sweet and delicate when talking about angels.

As for all the other FDC items, you can pick it up at one of the FDC stores (Road to OZ, Sn@tch City) until the 16th of May... and at Danielle's mainstore after that date:)

Oh! I am such a mess!
I was about to forget a GREAT news about Fashion Designers Challenge!
We are having a PHOTO CONTEST! Wooot!
The prize is a huge giftbag with loads of FDC items! For more information, read here!

Congratulations to Danielle for her challenge's outcome ;)


Photo credits:


Midsummer... Amusements!

I am SO late posting this, but YES! Fashion Designers' Challenge items are finally out!

And after the teasers I had published in the past, here are the actual dresses!
As my usual, I have made more than 1 colour for the outfit, and I also came up with a long and large gown to fully match Mouse Mimistrobell's jewelry (the cute necklace she made would have disappeared inside the ruffles with the original version!).

This time again, I made the gowns available on all possible layers, and the skirt inside is scripted to allow resizing (thank you Wietze Cassini for the script:)).

BUT, before I go on giving more 'practical' information on where to get the items (which are not yet in my main store), let me share with you WHY in the world I had to make such a silly gown!
It's all Samsara's fault! LOL.
Not only cause she was the one dragging me in this awesome event that has been FDC, but also because I was challenged by the very Samsara Nishi to:
"Whenever we are too stressed, laugh is always a good way to dismiss the stress out! I guess the clown is the most primitive and universal profession that uses laugh as the main tool to make his work happen.

I cut & pasted this from wikipedia: "Clowns are found in cultures of any time and place, because they meet some deeply rooted needs in humanity: violation of taboos, the mockery of sacred and profane authorities and symbols, reversal of language and action."

I challenge you to create a fancy and elegant clown costume. With just some few changes, your creation should adapt itself to at least those 2 different situations: a professional clown wearing it to perform his job; and also to a fancy fashionista wearing it to go to a red capet party.

I wish you will have fun creating it !! "

So, I had to make something that could suit both a circus AND a red carpet!
I don't really know if everyone will approve my final outcome, but I was very glad to see Samsara herself liked it :) (plus, Mouse kept encouraging me that I was doing good... so I have overcome my first doubts ;)).

While I had to work on this clowny/funny challenge, Mouse had her own job to do! She had to create a set of jewelry inspired by "A Midsummer Night's Dream" of Shakespeare.
She obviously did it magnificently! I think the flowers shout out "MIDSUMMER!" and their colours have something dreamy about it... what best could she come out with! :D

So, well, right now the items created by Mouse and me, and by the other 33 brave designers who took part in the challenge are all exposed at the 2 FDC stores (TP to FDC at Road to Oz or to FDC at Sn@tch City).
After the final show, on May 16th 6 PM SL time, at Patch Thibaud Auditorium (where you are ALL invited!), we will take down the 'community stores' and the creations will be available at each Main Store:)

I have to thank Samsara once again for organising all this, and hug tight Mouse for being such a wonderful teammate who made the whole process a real pleasure :-*

Do visit the store to see what everyone else made!


Photo credits:

  • Jewelry Set -headpiece included- by Dark Mouse (Midsummer Amusements);
  • Skin by PXL Creations (Grace Fair);
  • Hair by ETD (Roslin);
  • Shoes by: Maitreya (Dreamy Blue photos - Slinky Stiletto) and Shiny Things (Juicy Orange photos - Classics);
  • Poses by Grapevine.