
Phantium got married and it snows in Atherstone!

Hehe, guess what?

Today 'The Voice' got married!!! Yesss, I was kindly (thanx thanx P and Lo) invited to the ceremony and so I went and had a peep at the 2 of them exchanging vows and starting together a new (and hopefully better... or at least deeper:)) Second Life.
Everyone was sooo excited! And they actually read their vows on voice... so it all looked so much more than just an sl wedding...
Good luck you guys! For all what may come!
(here they are while walking out of the chapel... ceremony over... they're officially husband and wife:))

And, hear this:
the SIM Pall is building his RL town on is now covered in snow!!! Yuppy!
The whole square is perfect for skating, too lol...together with a couple funny snowmen:) There are scripted snowskates available from a vendor right in the square.
The place is not officially opened yet: they're not under the search. But if you want to get a sneak preview you can use the Teleport I have among my Picks in my SL profile, it's called Virtual Atherstone:)
This is a shot of the 2 of us, in a pause during our skating lol. Don't we look like if someone is interrupting us while arguing?

Nah, it couldn't be us, if we were arguing lol!
*kissssssssssssss* Pall:)

Bye you all!

Stay tuned for a new outfit that 'might' come out soon enough:)


1 comment:

Howard Lowe said...

Thanks forr the post