Hey everyone!
... I know, I know... haven't written in a while, and I apologize for that. But you know I was very busy inworld, and still kinda am (but of course, today it looks like I cannot stay connected for more than 2 minutes, so I just got off for a while).
And I am writing here to whoever will read this post (... why don't I just say: "Thank you, Kuc!" for always reading my blog!!!).
First news, which almost got me a heart attack yesterday, is: I managed to make the gown I have been working on for almost 2 weeks now! Yessss, even before the Dizzie Dress (here in the picture... comes with matching bikini!!!) I was already working on a gown. I wanted to make it a real formal gown, one of those people would get compliments for. A gown I could maybe sell in the Phat Cat's Mall, which is certainly a perfect place where to advertise your business.
And well, I think I got there...
Of course, it is not definite yet, I have to fix the skrt, to make the last adjustments, and then to create a pair of nice gloves to add to it, and maybe some "jacket"... something to cover up the shoulders (for us ladies, when we get to dance out in the cool air of those open ballrooms lol).
And then the awesome (yes yes, as I said in the title, I am more than proud of myself for finally getting to it) new gown from Ccard's will be there, on my store's walls (and who knows, maybe also in some nice mall...).
So here is a little and crapy picture I took in my store with the final prototype of my gown on. Can you see the tears coming down my cheeks? (because if you zoomed in you could actually see those, I am so happy!).
I am with my fellow designer Xavy.
... So, what do you think?
lol! Well, I am more than proud of it. Kuc said: "Wow Clio! Looks like a waterfall!". And it DOES!
While it flexes it does look a lot like a waterfall lol. Maybe it will be the name of it. Even though I actually have a name already (came up with it 2 weeks ago, or so... when I started designing it lol), so since I will have more than 1 color, maybe "waterfall" will just be the name of the blue version.
Oh well, whatever! I am too confused and blinded by my own tears of pride now to think of a name!
So... other news? Well, since you last read a post of mine, Xavy opened a store, XZ designs, which I advice you all to go to, because his designs are way cool! (and because he's a friend, and because he was almost a pupil of mine lol... ).
Then... My gurl's (no mind in the gutter please... lol) club, The Greek Goddess, was closed a couple days ago, for rebuild. It will be back open on Saturday, with a speed dating thing... which I was forced to sign up for by Pall and gurl, obviously. Lol.
And, I evidently messed up with land settings at The Golden Temple (trying to hide this among the many news so it will be less noticeable LMAO!), and got half the items returned to the owners' inventories... Disco is a saint! "SANTO SUBITO! SANTO SUBITO!" (those of you who live in Italy will smile, lol... for the others: "santo subito" means "saint right away"... it's a funny thing some guys on the radio invented. They hear stories about people who did something nice and just start saying "SANTO SUBITO!". So it's become something kinda popular to say lol). And Disco fully deserves to be "Saint Right Away", because he somehow managed to keep himself for killing me, when they found out it was me messing... SORRY BRO! (and sorry dad, ad mom, and Zammie and Chiwa, and whoever got stuff returned for my stupid mistake).
Then... other news, from CCard's: I assigned my first "model" tags. Yes! Now I sometimes ask people to model for me, and so I decided each one of them should proudly wear a tag that shows he/she modeled for a clothing line!
And about this I also need to apologize (just a little lol) for my pickiness (is that an english word?) to Kuc and Lib, the hot models of the Dizzie Dress... see the picture above... But then you girls said it was funny, so I hope I didn't tire you out too much!
Mhmmm, about CCard's new releases I should also mention the SL-addicted shirt, which is way too funny (and for which Pall modeled, of course lol), and the Tee's Tee... that is definitely a "T" shirt! And which I got Xavy and Key's picks for.
So... enough for now... I certainly left out some exciting news from the last days, but hey, you know I am a mess (read the huge title on top of the page lol) and I forget EVERYTHING!
Hahahaha, ok... I sound drunk, and it's only 1:30 PM... should post this and eat something, and then maybe even study a bit (study... what's "study"?... don't remember...).
Byeeeee! Wish you all a nice morning, day, afternoon, evening, night... (and pretty much I said them all...)